Agreement Share: An Alternative Way to Measure Cluster Performance

Supplemental materials

Chihyung Derrick Cheng (



Rand Index (Rand, 1971) has been widely used in evaluating the performance of multiple cluster trials. Since it is based on pair-wise relationship, it fails to observe the global relationship among the data vectors. In this article, we will present a new metric, Agreement Share, as an alternative tool for measuring the performance of cluster result. We will compare its performance and discuss the applications of using Agreement Share.

Dataset and result

Section 4.3

Notes on extracting the tgz file:

On Unix:

tar -zxvf data.tgz

On Windows:

Most of the popular file compression programs such as WinZip, WinRAR and 7-zip support decompressing the tgz files.


Cheng, C.D., (2006). Agreement Share: An Alternative Way to Measure Cluster Performance, MS Thesis, Dept. of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, UIUC.


AUTHOR = {Chihyung Derrick Cheng},
TITLE = {Agreement Share: An Alternative Way to Measure Cluster Performance},
PLACE = {Urbana},
YEAR = {2006},



Last updated: December 22, 2010

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